- On the morning of your lesson I will phone to make you are well and that no members of your household have or have had any symptoms of the virus in the last 7 days or have been in contact with anyone who has within the last 14 days.
- Please wash your hands for 20 seconds (in line with Government guidance) immediately before leaving the house/flat.
- If you wish to wear disposable gloves only put them on immediately before entering the car. Please do not touch your face.
- Wear suitable clothing providing as much cover as is reasonable but short sleeves are now acceptable. You may wear a mask if you wish. I would prefer it unless conditions make it uncomfortable.
- We will meet by the car not your door to maintain as much social distancing as possible.
- We need to keep the windows open as much as possible so ensure that your hair is under enough control not to blow into your face or eyes as it will impede your ability to drive, also your concentration.
- Bring your licence on the first lesson. I will not touch it but need see it and check the details.
- We will not share paper or pens/pencils so if you want to make notes please bring your own.
- Do not leave any masks, gloves or any other PPE you choose to wear in the car please take them with you.
- Please pay for lessons digitally the day before if possible or at least in time for me to check before the lesson starts. If cash is the only option then I will put it in a suitable container for the required time of 72 hours.
- If you are paying for lessons at a reduced price because you are buying 5, 10 or 20 hours remember that it is on a prepayment basis and all the lessons must be paid for in one payment in advance. Bank details for payment will be provided prior to start of course.
- All these conditions are for our safety not for any other reason.
- We are also advised that it is inadvisable to shake hands.
- I will phone or text before your lesson to ensure that you are well and have not displayed symptoms of the virus for the last 7 days nor been in contact with anyone who has displayed symptoms within the last 14 days. I will need to cancel the lesson if you have but will not charge as our safety is more important.
- I will meet you outside the car not your front door and maintain a social distance.
- Before you enter the car and also if I have to drive to a suitable place I will have wiped down all controls that you touch also including door handles, mirrors and seat controls before you get into the driving seat. I will provide a fresh seat covering for your lesson.
- I am going to try to wear a mask but if I cannot communicate clearly then I will remove it. I will try not to look directly at you.
- I will have cleaned my hands with sanitiser before we start the lesson and I will have enough for you to use before to get into the driving seat.
- I will change any PPE that I use frequently and will store it in a sealed bag. I will have bags available in the car but it would be useful if you provide one yourself and take your PPE away with you.
- If you wish me to leave you with any information at the end of the lesson I will do so either by text or email that evening. You may also take notes if you wish.
- We need to keep the windows open as much as possible and only use the air conditioning as a last resort.
- I will have another set of instructions ready for conditions taking your test.
- I am using a digital payment system and have also included the details on the client list of precautions. Payment should be made the day before if possible.